Here are the details from my run today. I really have impressed myself with my running ability in the last few months. If you remember over christmas of last year i was suffering from an ACL sprain and was using Rocktape Kinesiology tape to help me get over the injury. I also had the crazy idea that i was going to run 100 days in a row. Well, the 100 runs never went so well as i only got to 54, however by the end of the 54 runs my knee was feeling really strong and i basically ran myself to health.
I have been running ever since and actually signed up for another 70.3 ironman race in austin on the 17th of october. My training has gone extremely well and have done 453 miles on the bike this month alone. I have run 74 miles and swam 6.6 miles as well.
In the last 2 months my figures are :
swim : 7.7 miles, i know thats lame
bike : 670 miles
run : 113 miles.
My figures for the year are : ( holy crap )
swim : 41 miles ( 65 km )
bike : 2331 miles ( 3729 km )
run : 509 miles ( 814 km )
Holy cow thats some serious mileage. I would like to see bryan payne's figures. im sure those are huge.
Oh big news, ive got the go ahead to sign up for a full ironman. whats the catch you might ask. well i have to give my wife some of my sperm...........
Yes she wants to have another child. Apparently our first one turned out so great she wants another one. Kiera is truly beautiful and she is my little angel.
Here is a video of her for you guys to enjoy.