Monday morning 5am i was on my trainer in my garage and knocked out a 60 minutes session recovery ride. Tuesday morning i did a race simulation 1.2 mile swim at my gym pool to see what my probable time would be in ironman 70.23 florida in may. I did the swim in 36 minutes. Is that any good? i dont know, guess i need to look it up. I didn't eat before my O dark hundred swim. i think that was the right thing to do as some mornings after a gel or whatever my stomach doesn't always agree with me.
After the swim, i had a Lara bar and jumped on the treadmill for my 30 minute recovery run, it probably should of been a bit more but i'm still taking it easy on the knee and only want to run the bare minimum. so i did 3 miles in 30 minutes and then went and did some core work and some ankle and knee stabilizing exercises.
So im sitting here in my bed, watching the ToDEH ! show and drinking my starbucks, Thanks to my wife for brining it home for me after she went to the gym this morning. Chances are ToDEH will be my off day as i probably wont get a workout in. i could be working out now, but its tough with the baby around. she is sleeping now, hence the time to get some work done and write in my blog. I have a business / training meeting tonight so i will have to move my workout for wednesday to friday.
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rapidshare search
swim : 1.2 miles @ 30.36 in 36:35
bike : 16 miles in 60 minutes recovery ride
run : 9 miles @ 8:30 in 1:17
Got the big triathlon 101 camp this weekend, photos and videos to come.
Nice job with the workout! Enjoy the starbucks!