Friday, October 23, 2009

Hammer's Wrap Up!

Workout details from Oct 17, 2009 to Oct 23, 2009

DateTypeHrs:MinsMilesPaceEst. CalsCum. Pace
1 - Sun Oct 18, 2009BIKE3:3057.0016.3 mph228016.3 mph
2 - Tue Oct 20, 2009OTHER0:303.106.2 mph-6.2 mph
3 - Wed Oct 21, 2009BIKE1:0020.0020 mph80017.1 mph
4 - Wed Oct 21, 2009SWIM0:381.2530:0650030:06
5 - Thu Oct 22, 2009BIKE0:4515.0020 mph60017.5 mph
6 - Thu Oct 22, 2009WEIGHTS
7 - Fri Oct 23, 2009OTHER1:0220.0019.3 mph-15.1 mph
Swim Distance: 1.25 milesSwim Time: 0:38Swim Calories: 500Swim Pace: 30:06
Bike Distance: 92 milesBike Time: 5:15Bike Calories: 3680Bike Pace: 17.5 mph
Other Distance: 23.1 milesOther Time: 1:32-Other Pace: 15.1 mph
Total Miles: 116.35 milesTotal Time: 7:25Total Calories: 4180-

So these are my workout details from this past week and i thought that maybe every friday i will give you a run down and we can compare how the week went and maybe what i want to accomplish in the week ahead.

So as you can see this wasn't a crazy week however you can see last sunday i did clock my biggest mileage yet when i completed 57 miles in a single ride up in Van Alstyn with my tri club. Frisco Triathlon Club. I only got one swim in this week but is was a good 1.25 mile swim and i am going to be building on that over the next few months so that i can start competing in the olympic distance next season and also that 70.3.

You will also notice that there was no running. As some of you are aware i'm just getting over my knee injury and am on a no running regiment at the moment. Monday is the big day and will be doing a short run to see how things go. Basically what happened is that i got an over-usage injury from bumping my mileage up from 4 miles to 6 miles without taking it slowly. I was kinda dumb and it was my own fault that it got injured. Anyways, lets hope monday goes well. Maybe i will do it on the treadmill so that is the minimum amount of impact as possible.

The "other" that you see on the Tuesday is my time i spent on the rowing machine at the gym. Im going to add that to my weekly training as well as it is such an awesome total body workout and kills millions of calories at the same time. Im trying to lean up a little bit and maybe loose a few % body fat and build lean muscle for next season. And then Fridays "other " was the time i spent in the spin class this morning which i did because i felt like getting a good group workout in to spice things up a little bit.

So basically my goals for this week would be to swim at least twice this week and try and clock 100 miles on the bike. If all goes well with the knee i am going to try and run twice this coming week and take it slow, so maybe a total of 4-5 miles.

So tomorrow which will be saturday i will try and get a swim in and then sunday i will be doing 40-50 miles on the bike which i will calculate into this weeks amounts for next fridays Hammers Wrap Up!

p.s. Oh and my wife is going to have a baby this week, so i might not do any of what i just spoke about.


  1. looking good! a baby on the way ? how exciting !

  2. thanks trishie, yip it should be fun and games

  3. Um yeah, you reserve the rite to bag any and all workouts for the next couple of weeks. Yay, congratulations, baby;)
