Saturday, January 23, 2010

Made progress over the winter

So i thought i would write a little bit about progress i made over the winter. As it is coming to an end pretty soon here in dallas. Im sure we will still get a few days of bitter cold but im sure the worst is behind us now. The reason i say this is cos wednesday night i went out for a run and was wearing my summer running gear. ( shorts and sleeveless shirt ). And today whilst it started out at a bitterly cold 55 degrees, it warmed up pretty quickly and had to take off my sleeves off my winter cycling jersey.

So i thought i would give you a little comparison between the month of september 2009 to the last 30 days.

so here is september:

Swim Distance: 6.71 milesSwim Time: 3:52Swim Calories: 2684Swim Pace: 34:36
Bike Distance: 170.05 milesBike Time: 9:29Bike Calories: 6802Bike Pace: 17.9 mph
Run Distance: 39.03 milesRun Time: 5:35Run Calories: 3903Run Pace: 08:35
Total Miles: 215.79 milesTotal Time: 18:57Total Calories: 13389-

And here is the last 30 days:

Swim Distance: 8.98 milesSwim Time: 4:21Swim Calories: 3592Swim Pace: 29:00
Bike Distance: 297.32 milesBike Time: 16:48Bike Calories: 11892.8Bike Pace: 17.7 mph
Run Distance: 14.4 milesRun Time: 2:36Run Calories: 1440Run Pace: 10:48
Total Miles: 320.7 milesTotal Time: 23:45Total Calories: 16924.8-

So i guess the first thing you notice is the extra miles in the pool, woohoo. Back in september my average swim time was probably 25 minutes. And my pace was obviously nothing to write home about where as in the last 30 days my swim time is probably up to about average 45 minutes, with my longest being about 55 minutes and 1.87 miles covered in the time.You will also see my swim pace is also up.

My cycling has definitely improved a lot as i haven't been running all that much. Back in september i was in the middle of my 2 sprint races i did last year. So in my training i was only doing 15 or 20 miles at a time. Since then however i have done 4 or 5 50+ mile rides and one week even did 102 miles. Currently i'm doing about 70 miles a week. I have also purchased a trainer that i use in my lounge in front of my TV.

My running has taken a dip, and thats due to my knee injury. I am getting back into it now though and hopefully all stays well with the knee and IT band. Im thinking i will probably do some video podcasts to show you guys how my rocktape adventure is going this coming week. I should be getting it early this week and am dreading shaving my legs to use it. Yeah they suggest you don't have leg hair when you use it, and i have been blessed with some seriously hairy legs. Hey maybe it will make my swim faster, and easier.

I have a sprint tri relay race with 2 of my co-saturday morning ride buddies, i think we are going to kick butt. We have a great team, I am a pretty good swimmer, brian is a master on the bike, especially hills and william is super fast on the run so i'm sure we will either win or come close.

Then the weekend after that is my wife's first ever triathlon ( caveman sprint tri ) which i will also be competing in. It will be pretty interesting to see how she does and also to really see how well i have done over the winter. Last season first tri time was 1:24:43. I swam a 1:46 pace in the swim, 19.1 mph on the bike and after some stomach cramps due to my incorrect nutrition plan, a 9:07 pace during the 3.1 mile run. So that was an average performance and i am planning on smashing those pace levels in the caveman tri.

Keep watching this blog for my updates, should be some interesting viewing for my video podcasts next week.

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