Thursday, September 30, 2010

trail running by jasonmellet at Garmin Connect - Details

trail running by jasonmellet at Garmin Connect - Details

Here are the details from my run today. I really have impressed myself with my running ability in the last few months. If you remember over christmas of last year i was suffering from an ACL sprain and was using Rocktape Kinesiology tape to help me get over the injury. I also had the crazy idea that i was going to run 100 days in a row. Well, the 100 runs never went so well as i only got to 54, however by the end of the 54 runs my knee was feeling really strong and i basically ran myself to health.

I have been running ever since and actually signed up for another 70.3 ironman race in austin on the 17th of october. My training has gone extremely well and have done 453 miles on the bike this month alone. I have run 74 miles and swam 6.6 miles as well.

In the last 2 months my figures are :

swim : 7.7 miles, i know thats lame
bike : 670 miles
run : 113 miles.

My figures for the year are : ( holy crap )

swim : 41 miles ( 65 km )
bike : 2331 miles ( 3729 km )
run : 509 miles ( 814 km )

Holy cow thats some serious mileage. I would like to see bryan payne's figures. im sure those are huge.

Oh big news, ive got the go ahead to sign up for a full ironman. whats the catch you might ask. well i have to give my wife some of my sperm...........

Yes she wants to have another child. Apparently our first one turned out so great she wants another one. Kiera is truly beautiful and she is my little angel.

Here is a video of her for you guys to enjoy.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

recovery ride by jasonmellet at Garmin Connect - Details

recovery ride by jasonmellet at Garmin Connect - Details

So today was easy ride day. Monday i did hill reapeats. 13 times up and down windhaven hill whick climbs about 100 feet in about 2/10th of a mile. Oh i also swam 1.3 miles just before that. Tuesday was bike / run brick. That consisted of an hour on the bike ( 20 miles ) and then a 7 mile run which i did in 55 minutes or so. Wednesdays is traditionally our short little lunch time shootout.

Its a short, hilly 13 miles that we normally do in about 40 minutes depending on the wind and traffic lights. As im only 18 days from my 70.3 ironman in austin i figured i should probably get some more miles in so i rode my bike the 11 miles up to the meeting spot. Did the 13 mile ride with brian and william and then rode my bike back again. Luckily for me i had the wind behind me for the ride back home again.

For those of you that dont know this will be my second half ironman. The first one was 70.3 florida at disney world back on may 16th which was moderately successful as i suffered from cramps on the bike ride but still managed a 20mph average and finished in a time of 5:39:37. I have to be honest, im going for a sub 5:30 this time even though austin is hillier than florida was. Ive done a lot of training for this race and i am having no issues ( touch wood ) with my knees this time around.

One of my best investments has been my garmin 310xt that wifey bought me for fathersday. totally kept me on track.

Training this month has been awesome, with 460 miles on the bike, 6 miles in the pool and 67 miles running i am feeling very strong and confident. Problem is im racing against my friend Lars who has completed 6 full iron man races and is training for silver man in Nevada.

Some of you might know as well that i used to play cricket, well not much anymore, since the wife has now also started doing triathlons, cricket has pretty much taken a back seat.

The only Ace i have up my sleeve ( or bike shorts ) is that he is 10 years older than me. If that's any advantage at all.

countdown : 18 days till 70.3 iron man longhorn.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

almost there

So we are almost there. about 19 days to ironman 70.3 longhorn in austin texas. The course doesn't look to tough. The weather should be warm and i am as prepared for a triathlon as i have ever been.

So far this month i have done over 400 miles on the bike. Over 60 miles running and nearly 10 miles in the pool. My friend Lars that motivates me will be racing as well. He is an ironman veteran with 6 full IM's under his belt already and he is using longhorn as a training event for Silverman in nevada coming up in November.

Brybrarobry is just about to head to Kona and we wish him luck for that as well. Hopefully we will see him on the NBC special in december when it airs.

My wife just completed her first triathlon this last weekend with a very respectable time as she finished about middle of the pack.

In other news my daughter Kiera is 11 months old already and we are planning her 1st birthday party, isnt that crazy.

I have started a new business and should be launching it pretty soon.

My other cricket site is doing ok, but with winter on the way i have been forced to look elsewhere for an income. Remember, if you want to get your rocktape, then my store is the place to get it. Just go to

Good luck to everyone else that has races coming up. Im sure if you put in the time you will do great.

signing out
