Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Rowing Machine

So got up this A.M. at 4:30 to go and get my tuesday morning gym workout in. You see, i get to go to the gym, tuesday's and thursday morning while mommy takes care of Kiera. I then take care of her the other mornings and mommy goes to the gym. Jennifer currently brings home the bacon so she gets more days at the gym. ( help me out, click on the rocktape link and get yours, Maybe one day i will afford to put Kiera in day care. )

So anyway it was off to the gym to get in my swim and anything else i could squeeze in.  3000 yards in the pool was all i could do this morning. even with the h2o audio it is tough to motivate yourself for longer than an hour. After that i hit a machine i have a lot of respect for, and if you are not on it at least once a week, you are probably missing a trick. Its the rowing machine. done correctly it is one of the best machines in the gym. and you will always find one open as i think people are scared of it.

After that i did some abs work and some sideways movement stuff. not sure what thats called but triathletes never move sideways so some muscles are neglected and can lead to injuries.

So now, im home, jen has gone to work and i get to look after Kiera, run my business and clean the house a little.

Its strange, now that ive signed up for the 70.3, i look at training very differently than i did just a few days ago.....

todays training : 3000 yard swim at 29 min / mile pace
                           3000 meters on the rowing machine

weekly totals :
bike : 57.92 miles / 3:47
swim : 1.7 miles / 0:50
run : n/a

rowing machine : 1.86 miles / 0:13

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